Although a virtual assessment and treatment cannot replace hands on therapy it is clinically proven to be effective for many conditions.

We understand that you may not be able to attend our Clinic or do not yet feel comfortable to see us on-site and so BWT Physios continue to offer highly skilled advice, assessment and treatment from the comfort of your home by  phone or on-line.

What we can’t offer on a virtual appointment:

  • Hands-on assessment or manual therapy

What we can do:

  • Discuss your: medical history, mechanism or onset of injury and treatment goals in detail.
  • Assess your current symptoms.
  • Provide education and advice on your virtual diagnosis to relieve your pain and promote healing, your prognosis and return to normal function.
  • Game Ready hire can dramatically enhance pain relief and recovery from injury
  • Kneehab sessions can assist in the progress of recovery from knee injury or surgery
  • Home workstation set ups can be managed by video calls to ease back and neck pain, headache and migraine.
  • Home exercise rehab can be graded, paced, motivated, monitored and progressed to keep your recovery on track.

Call now on 01202 749514 to discuss your requirements