You may develop signs and symptoms of lymphoedema after surgery, radiotherapy, with weight gain or alongside other health conditions. Specialised senior oncology nurse, Liz Gifford, provides a lymphoedema service utilising simple (SLD) and manual lymphatic drainage (MLD) at BWT Physio, Parkstone.
The service is truly holistic, taking care of the significant range of issues that can be addressed when you are managing lymphoedema. Liz will obtain a full history and thorough assessment of your symptoms to inform her diagnosis and treatment.
Treatment will incorporate:
- skin care and management
- advice on specialist compression garments and bandaging with
- a bespoke, personalised management plan tailored specifically to you.
With over 33 years of experience in cancer nursing Liz has works closely with surgeons, physiotherapists, medical and clinical oncologists. Liz is passionate about patient education and self-care measures. By using techniques and providing solutions, the impact of lymphoedema on your quality of life can be minimised. Your treatment will always be individually tailored to your needs and abilities.
Liz is passionate about improving the quality of life that people living with lymphoedema have, and believes you deserve the best care.
You can make an appointment to speak to or see her by calling BWT Reception on 01202 749 514, or click here to send a message.