Enhance Your Diagnosis with Ultrasound Scanning
Ultrasound imaging produces pictures of the inside of the body. It is also called ultrasound scanning or sonography. It is safe and painless utilising high-frequency sound waves that are collected as they bounce back by the probe. A computer then uses those sound waves to create an image.
Diagnostic Ultrasound is a quick and accurate way of assessing common musculoskeletal conditions like tendon and ligament injuries. It has also been shown to be more accurate than x-ray at picking up stress fractures in the smaller bones of the lower limbs.
If you have a complicated problem that needs a differential diagnosis, or if you think you may need surgery and a detailed report of your injury or condition would speed up your referral – we can help.
Ultrasound images are typically used to help diagnose:
- Tendon tears or tendonitis of the rotator cuff in the shoulder, Achilles tendon in the ankle, patellar tendonitis at the knee, tennis and golfers elbow and many other tendons throughout the body.
- Ligament sprains or tears.
- Muscle tears or fluid collections.
- Poor control of abdominal muscles leading to back pain/women’s health issues.
- Inflammation or fluid (effusions) within bursae and joints.
- Nerve entrapments such as carpal tunnel syndrome.
- Ganglions.
- Foreign bodies in the soft tissues (such as splinters or glass).
- Early changes of rheumatoid arthritis.
Ultrasound images of the musculoskeletal system provide pictures of muscles, tendons, ligaments, joints, nerves and soft tissues throughout the body. It may even pick up UNDIAGNOSED FRACTURES that cannot be seen on X-Ray.
By referring to your scan, your therapist can not only plan the best management of your condition, but with ongoing images of your injury or condition, can also monitor the recovery process. We can also inform your GP or consultant on your diagnosis and progress.
This is an exciting new addition to our services and is EXCLUSIVE to BWT Physio. As a bespoke service please enquire to speak to a physio to ensure the service is right for you and for our prices. Call 01202749514 or send your details (with no obligation) on the Book Now tab for us to call you back.