Stacy Davis
Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture is an ancient practice that has been developed and used for thousands of years and addresses the whole person. It takes into account body, mind and spirit as well as energy and drive. The underlying principles see all aspects of an individual being connected and entwined.
Acupuncture is based on the premise that disharmony in an individual’s systems causes a wide array of symptoms, illness and disease both physical and mental. Using acupuncture, we can balance and harmonise these systems, helping the individual to heal.
Acupuncture involves the gentle insertion of needles to strengthen, harmonise, balance and optimise your body’s underlying systems and help with a number of concerns some of which are; Woman’s Health, including Menopause, Menstrual Symptoms, PMT and Fertility; Emotional Health, including Stress, Anxiety, Mood Swings, Depression and Frustration; Pain Management, including Aches, Pains, Sports Injuries and Arthritis; Sleep issues, Digestive issues and Allergies.
Stacy is trained to blend modern technological therapies such as Activated Oxygen Therapy and LED Light Therapy alongside several styles of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), including Traditional Acupuncture, Five Element Constitutional Acupuncture, Channel Balance Acupuncture, Auricular Acupuncture (acupuncture of the ear), Traditional Taoist Acupuncture, Electro Acupuncture and Acupressure, Moxibustion, Cupping and Gua’sha, delivering treatments tailored specifically to the uniqueness of you, enabling you to navigate your way through the different stages of life to Reset, Balance & Thrive.
Stacy also specialises in Cosmetic Acupuncture (also known as facial acupuncture), a real mind, body, spirit treat that leaves you with seriously good skin. The specialist needles used relax facial tissue, aiding circulation and improving the appearance of your skin. They sculpt, lift and define your facial tissue improving the skins elasticity, softening wrinkles and lines, improving drooping eyelids and dark circles, tightening pores and brightening the eyes. What is there not to love about this ancient Chinese tradition treatment that also helps you to relax, balance your hormones, improve your digestive system and more.
Having spent 18 years in the Police Service specialising in Child Protection, rising to the rank of Detective Inspector, Stacy returned to her love of holistic medicine and retrained in Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine.
To book an appointment with Stacy, click here
Anne Ullestad
Anne is a Licenced TCM Acupuncturist and often combines acupuncture with Chinese Medical Massage (Tui Na) to achieve the greatest benefit of both emotional and physical well-being.
Having studied Tui Na Massage/Acupressure and Traditional Chinese Acupuncture under Maria Mercati, an inspirational teacher as well as author of many books on various holistic therapies, Anne furthered her clinical skills at Shandong University Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Jenang, China in 2006, becoming a Member of the AcuC (Acupuncture-Acutherapy Council), MAcS (Acupuncture Society) and MAcSCA (Acupuncture Society Cosmetic Acupuncture).
Anne practiced at The Haven clinic in NW London for over 5 years and spent a year in Cyprus where she was the Acupuncturist & Tui Na therapist at the highly acclaimed luxury spa hotel Anassa, as well as practicing Acupuncture at an Osteopathic Clinic in Pafos. Anne has also practiced in private clinics in her native country Norway and the Middle East.
Anne says ‘I am continually developing my practice and skills, aiming to help people achieve their optimum balance of health. I am also qualified in Abdominal Acupuncture, Cosmetic Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture, Meridian Wave Acupuncture, Spinal Acupuncture, Wrist & Ankle Acupuncture, Moxibustion, Cupping, Tui Na Sports Injury Massage, Paediatric Tui Na, Reiki, Indian Head Massage & Ear Candling.
I passionately believe that the holistic approach of addressing all parts of a person, not just the physical manifestations of symptoms, is the best way forward in achieving optimum health.’
We are delighted to have Anne as part of the BWT range of services.
To book an appointment with Anne