February 01, 2021
HEalth BEhaviours during the COvid-19 pandemic (HEBECO STUDY)
This study, conducted by researchers from the University College of London (UCL) asserts that as the Covid-19 pandemic continues and new lockdowns are introduced it is paramount to understand how aerobic (activities that increase heart rate) and muscle-strength training have been affected during the pandemic so far. From this information it can then be established which groups in society may require most support.
You are considered Inactive of you undertake less than 30 mins of moderate physical activity a week
The recommended levels of aerobic and muscle strengthening exercise to be achieved per week are:
Moderate to vigorous activity – i.e 150 mins ( such as 5 x 30 mins) of aerobic activity per week.
Muscle strengthening activity – i.e. strength resistance activity 2 days a week
The research found that:
- At the start of the Covid-19 pandemic, a third of UK adults decreased and a third increased moderate-to-vigorous physical activity; the corresponding proportions for muscle strength training were an 18% increase and 20% decrease in activity levels.
- Older adults were more likely to maintain their levels of inactivity from before the start of the pandemic.
- Adults with a higher body mass index (overweight) were at risk of not meeting World Health Organisation recommendations for weekly levels of strength and aerobic training, and therefore at risk of decreasing muscle strength training during the pandemic.
Many other factors such as co- morbidities, ethnicity, socio- economic circumstances, access to a garden or balcony and living in isolation are also contributory to lower outcomes.
But there is something YOU can do, as the good news is, that the adults in the study who either maintained or increased their aerobic and strength /resistance to the baselines described above (either independently or combined), lowered the risk of morbidity or mortality from COVID-19.
We also know the benefits of exercise to mental health and sleep. If you have any difficulty in exercising, be it pain, injury, weight or age related issues please contact us via the Book Now tab to discuss how BWT can help you achieve the recommended baseline levels of activity.